Parental Information |
- Introduction
This handbook is intended to provide leaders and parents an overview of the Cub Scout Pack 261 organization, operation and procedures.
- Cub Scouting Goals
The goal of Scouting is to help a Scout to grow in both physical and mental ability, to introduce new skills and activities and to have fun. The program is structured around family participation.
Cub Scouting is a program outlined by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Parents and Leaders work together to:
- Influence each Scout’s character development and spiritual growth
- Develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship
- Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body
- Improve understanding and communication within the family
- Strengthen skills in getting along with and respecting others
- Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills
- Provide fun and exciting things to do
- Encourage each Scout to "Do Your Best"
- Prepare each Cub Scout to become a Boy Scout
The Pack is a family based organization and is run by parents who volunteer as Den Leaders, assistants, and committee members or as planners for a special event. In order to successfully achieve the stated goals of Scouting, the involvement of all parents is needed. Please be prepared to volunteer for pack and den activities. Your participation benefits the boys in the Pack, the community, yourself and your own son.
- Charter Organization
The Charter Organization is the sponsoring organization for this Pack. St. Patrick's Church, 29 Spring Street, Nashua NH 03062 is this Pack's Charter Organization. It is their obligation to provide us with a meeting place and offer support as needed. It is our responsibility to consider how our actions as a Pack reflect upon the Charter Organization. We are also expected to offer our time and energy to the Charter Organization on occasion for service projects.
- Pack Structure
Cub Scout Pack 261 serves the boys in the first to the fifth grades in the districts of both Sunset Heights and Dr. Crisp elementary schools.
- Pack Committee
The Pack Committee plans and runs the Cub Scout program under BSA guidelines. Committee members meet the first Friday evening of every month at St. Patrick's Church. Pack policies, future events and activities, coming Pack meetings, Pack administration, and a review of previous events are discussed at these meetings. At least one representative from each Den is expected to attend to provide communication back to the Den. All parents are welcome and are encouraged to attend as often as possible.
- Leadership Positions
To run effectively the Pack has the following registered leaders:
- Committee Chair
- Runs committee meetings, makes sure re-registration, Pack business and Pack activities are completed in a timely manner
- Confers with the Cubmaster on policy issues and maintains records
- Recruits volunteers for leadership positions
- Cubmaster
- Plans the program year
- Plans and runs Pack Meetings, round ups, and other program events
- Maintains relations with Dens and parents
- Plans and conducts advancement ceremonies
- Recruits parent assistance in the Pack
- Charter Organization Representative
- Provides a formal link to the Charter Organization (St. Patrick’s Church)
- Assistant Cubmaster
- Assists Cubmaster in planning and running Pack meetings, functions, etc
- Fills in for Cubmaster as required
- Den Leaders
- Conduct Den meetings and other Den level activities with the assistance of the Assistant Den Leaders and the parents
- Communicates planned Den and Pack activities to parents
- Assistant Den Leaders
- Assists in planning and conducting Den activities
- Den Leader Coach
- Serves as a resource for Den Leaders for information and ideas for running their Den
- Tiger Cub Den Leader
- Serves as a resource for the Tiger Cub families
- Informs Tiger Cub families about upcoming Pack activities
- Ensures Tiger Cubs meet regularly, are preparing for advancement, are participating in Pack activities, and are recognized for their part in Pack activities
- Pack Committee Members
- Treasurer – Maintains checking account, deposits money, writes checks and reports balances monthly to Committee
- Secretary – Records minutes as Committee meetings and ensures all Leaders are given a copy of those minutes; maintains current Pack roster
- Awards Coordinator – Maintains PackMaster software with all advancement and awards noted. Provides boys moving on in Scouting with a floppy disc with thier pertinent information stored. Provides same information for Webelos bridging into a Boy Scout Troop.
- Fund Raising Chair – Monitors participation of Scouts on Pack fundraising activities, researches fundraising ideas
- Activities Coordinator - Examines outside activities, presents to Committee for review and arranges as needed
- Camping Coordinator - Arranges Pack camping opportunities; collects registrations, fees, and health forms for camping activities.
- Webmaster - Manages the Pack website within the guidelines established by the Pack Committee
- Organization Chart
- Pack Rules and Regulations
- Common courtesy and respect will be shown to each other at all times and is expected by the Scouts, parents, Leaders and guests.
- Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children and guests at all Pack functions.
- Pack meetings will start on time and will last less than 90 minutes. Pack meetings are controlled by the Cubmaster and will follow a pre-determined agenda set by the Cubmaster.
- Den meetings will be controlled by the respective Den Leaders and Assistants and will be when and where the Den Leader(s) decides. Two deep leadership will be in effect at all times. Married couples acting as Den Leader / Asst. Den Leader do not comply with BSA two-deep leadership guidelines.
- After a Den or a Pack meeting, the meeting area should be neat and clean regardless of the condition before the meeting. BSA policy dictates leaving an area cleaner than when it was found. Everyone in attendance will help with the necessary clean up.
- Any and all trips or meetings held in a non-standard meeting place require the prior approval of the Arrowhead District. This is an insurance issue required to protect the Charter Organization. Anyone transporting any Scouts but their own child must supply the information needed to complete the BSA form for Local Travel (Local Tour Permit). There is no smoking allowed in transit.
- Any event awarding patches, pins, etc. requires the participation and attendance of the Scout to receive them. There are no exceptions.
- Uniforms must be kept clean and neat. The uniform consists of a hat (optional), shirt, allowable insignia correctly placed, belt, and neckerchief with slide. Uniform pants are not required. Any dark green or blue pants or jeans without holes are acceptable. Sweat pants are not encouraged. Uniform requirements at Den meetings are at the discretion of the Den Leader(s).
- There is no alcohol allowed at any Scout event or function.
- Smoking is prohibited in front of the Scouts at all Scout function and is forbidden inside or away from the outside designated smoking areas.
- Meetings
- Pack Meetings
Pack meetings are held monthly and are the gathering of the Dens where the Pack recognizes achievements, plays games, sings songs, does skits and has some fun. Dens may be asked to conduct opening or closing ceremonies, skits, or demonstrations. Occasionally, District representatives will attend a Pack meeting to present information to the Pack such as the FOS (Friends of Scouting) campaign or a camp promo. Other visitors, such as local firemen / policemen may also be invited at the discretion of the Cubmaster. Pack meetings are held the last Friday of the month in a classroom of St. Patrick's Church (enter from Spring Street) near the gym and begin at 7:00pm. The meeting time and place will not change without prior notification. Changes may be due to holiday, school vacation, or other Pack, District or Council commitments. The Pack meeting agenda attempts to follow the BSA Cub Scout monthly theme. Refer to the Pack calendar for notification of Pack meetings changes.
One parent must attend the Pack Meeting with the Scout unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the Den Leader. Other family members, siblings and guests are always welcome and encouraged to attend. The control of the siblings is the responsibility of the parents and not the Den Leaders. Pack meeting rules must be followed by all in attendance; parents, siblings and guests included.
** Always accompany your son into the meeting place to ensure his safety.
- Den Meetings
The Cub Scout Dens are the basic unit of Cub Scouting. Dens are composed of up to 8 boys of the same rank and meet 3 to 4 times a month in addition to the Pack Meeting or additional Pack events. Den Leader (s) conducts meetings with additional help from parent volunteers and occasionally a Boy Scout from a local Troop may assist as a Den Chief. While some activities may be worked on at the Den Meetings it is the parents responsibility to assist Scouts is completing the achievement requirements.
Field trips may be held as planned by the Den Leader or Scout parents. If the outing is outside the greater Nashua area a Local Tour Permit (LTP) is required. Failure to complete tour permits may void the blanket insurance honored by the BSA. Two adults must be present at every Den Meeting and function. No exception - this is the BSA two-deep leadership policy.
- Tiger Cub Meetings
Tiger Cubs and their adult partners meet together at two, one-hour den meetings at the host adult partner's home or another location. The adult partners help with planning and running of a Den meeting under the direction of the Tiger Den Leader. Monthly field trips to locations associated with the monthly Cub Scout theme are encouraged. Active participation in the monthly Pack meetings are also expected.
- Finances
- Pack Level Finances
Cub Scout Pack 261 is a non-profit organization. The Pack maintains itself through fundraising projects during the Scouting year. The Pack Committee will decide on the type of fundraiser and how many will be held during the year. Scouts are expected to participate in all fundraisers to the best of their ability. The ability for the Pack to provide a quality Scouting program is greatly increased with the active participation of the Scouts in the fundraisers. Should the parents feel their son cannot participate in the Pack fundraiser(s) a 'buyout' option is available. The Pack Committee, guided by the Pack Treasurer, decides the dollar value of the buyout option.
The monies raised by the Pack in the fundraisers are used to cover Pack expenses. This includes advancement awards, books, re-registration, and Pack and District events as determined by the Pack Committee.
- Den Level Finances
Den level finances are the sole responsibility of the individual Dens. Each Den sets their own amount for weekly dues and decides what is to be done with those dues. A standard of $1 or $2 per meeting per Scout is fairly common. The dues collected at the Den are to be used for the Den crafts, trips and activities.
It is encouraged to have the Scout ‘pay their own way’ by working at home for the dues required at the Den meetings.
The Scouts, the families and the Pack must work together to create a solid Scouting program. The Scouting program is an exercise in cooperation between all three. The Pack cannot give your son a good program if the support of the parents and volunteers is lacking. Participation by the Scouts in activities also leads to a better program. The following is what is expected each part of the triad. |
- The Scout's Obligations to the Pack
- Do My Best in everything I do.Obey the rules and regulations set down by the Pack.Obey the Den Leader(s) and Assistant Den Leader(s) and follow their rules and regulations.Work on my achievements and electives and advance in a timely manner.Participate in Scout activities whenever possible.Respect others, their rights and their property at all times. Show respect for the BSA. Treat the United States Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance with equal respect.Be on time for all meetings and functions. It is not fair for the others to have to wait for me.Call my Den Leader(s) or ask my parent to if I cannot attend a meeting or function.Keep my uniform clean and in good repair with all my insignia properly placed.Wear my uniform proudly to all events and functions unless told otherwise by my Den Leader(s).
- Do a chore or chores in order to earn the money needed for my Den dues.
- Parental Obligations to the Pack
- Work with your son on his achievements and electives. Scouting is a "Family Affair" and he cannot do it alone. If assistance is needed, ask your son’s Den Leader(s).Accompany your son to the monthly Pack meeting. One parent is required but the entire family is welcome. We do expect any younger siblings to be controlled and not allowed to cause a distraction during the Pack meeting.Attend a Den meeting or two. You need to be available to get the latest information from the Den Leader(s). Get to know the Den Leader(s) so interaction is more effective.Walk your son into the Den meetings. Make sure the Leader is there and no last minute changes have been made. If you cannot stay for the meeting make sure to pick up your son on time. Volunteer and become involved. When we ask for parental assistance there is a reason. The more active and involved you are the more you will enjoy the Cub Scout experience.Voice your opinions, thoughts and comments at the Pack Committee meetings held the first Friday of every month. The only way the program can be improved is to know what you and your son wants. Participation in the monthly Committee meeting will give you an idea of how the Pack is run and will also give you the chance to be heard by those people running the Scouting program.
- Let us know of any problems as soon as they occur – don’t wait. We don’t know about something that is upsetting you unless we are told. Contact the Cubmaster or the Committee Chair directly if you don’t feel comfortable going to your Den Leader(s).
- The Pack’s Obligations to You and Your Son
- Provide a solid Scouting program that you can both be proud of.Provide the means of advancement in a timely manner for the Scouts.Provide quality trained Den Leaders.Provide the opportunity to participate in various outings and activities.Provide a safe Scouting environment and meeting place.
- Communicate news and current Scout events to you in a timely manner.
Advancement, Achievements and Awards
The Cub Scout Advancement program follows the school grade levels and aim to introduce new skills and areas of interest as well as to build self-esteem, self-awareness and a sense of citizenship and good sportsmanship. Parental involvement is crucial to achieve the advancement of the Scouts and responsibility for advancement in rank rests with the parents; verification and assistance of the Den Leader is secondary.
- Tiger Cubs (1st grade)
work toward their Tiger Cub patch and earn beads by participating in activities. Beads are awarded for participation to enhance the Tiger Cub Program and ease the way into Cub Scouting.
- All other Cub Scouts
earn the Bobcat rank first and later the rank appropriate for their age level.
- Wolf Cubs (2nd grade)
earn the Wolf rank by completing 49 tracks in 12 achievements. After the Wolf badge they can earn Arrowpoints. The 12 achievements are all identified in the Wolf handbook and each consists of a number of activities to be earned during Den meetings and at home.
Arrowpoints are electives that can be earned after the Wolf (and Bear) badge are awarded. These are all electives in the back of the Wolf handbook. There is no limit on the number of Arrowpoints that can be earned by a Scout.
- Bear Cubs (3rd grade)
earn the Bear rank (choice of 12 achievements) and then Arrowpoints. There are some required achievements in this rank with some options available. After the rank of Bear has been achieved, Arrowpoints can again be earned. There are 25 different categories of electives, which can be completed for Arrowpoints.
The parent signs Wolf and Bear advancements; Webelos advancements are signed by the Den Leader.
- Webelos (4th and 5th grades)
earn the Webelos rank and can earn activity pins to get compass points. The second year Webelos earn the "Arrow of Light", the highest award that can be earned by a Cub Scout and the only award that is carried over to Boy Scouts.
- Several optional awards programs are also available through the BSA.
- Academic and Sport belt loops are awarded for trying out a number of various sports and academic subjects. For those Scouts with more serious participation Academic and Sport pins can be earned. These awards are available to all Scouts of all ranks. This program is administered at the Den level; your son's Den Leader will be able to help you find out more about the different categories and subjects available.The Religious Emblems program offers the scout an opportunity to study his faith in-depth. Many faiths offer the emblems, with the activities overseen by the Scout's religious leaders. BSA recognizes the achievement of these awards.
- The BSA Family Program offers a series of activities designed to help strengthen all families - whether two-parent, single-parent, or nontraditional. This 12-month program may be completed independently by a family; recognition is offered at a Pack Meeting.
Annual Events and Activities
Cub Scout Pack 261 participates in a number of events and activities throughout the Scouting year. Some are community related, others are fundraisers, some are educational and others are just for fun! Some events are considered "Spirit of Scouting" events. We strive for 100% Scout participation at these events so please mark your calendars early and make plans to attend. Parent and Leader volunteers run all events and your help is always welcome.
- All monthly Pack Meetings are considered Spirit of Scouting events. We strongly encourage the Scouts and parents to attend with their Dens. The Pack gathers once a month to celebrate Scouting together whether it is with theme-oriented skits, songs or games. This will also be the time when the Pack and Den leaders recognize those Scouts that have earned awards or badges of rank. Guests and siblings are always welcome to attend but we do ask that everyone in attendance please abide by the rules and maintain control.
- The Daniel Webster Council hosts Popcorn Sales and participation in this fall fundraiser is strongly encouraged. The Pack earns a substantial portion of its operating budget from the popcorn sales so we request that parents support their son's effort to give something back to the Pack. Active participation in this fundraiser will help keep registration costs down.
- Scouting for Food, a community effort, is a Spirit of Scouting event and takes only a few hours on two sequential Saturday mornings in the Fall. We ask that every Scout attend at least one of the two Saturday mornings and help out. Only 5% of the BSA districts in the United States continue to collect food for the local shelters and Arrowhead District is proudly one of them. Last year this District collected and returned over 80,000 food items to the local shelters and food banks. This year, Saturday, November 10 is Bag Distribution Day and Saturday, November 17 is Bag Collection Day. Additional details will be on the Pack calendar.
- The Pinewood Derby is strictly for FUN! The races give you a chance to show your mechanical and engineering ability. The Scouts all make a Derby car to race against all the others in the Pack. The top three (3) finishers go on to represent Pack 261 at the District competition April 12th. The cars start as simple blocks of wood but with a little time and a little assistance it is amazing what they become. Parents & siblings that want to create thier own car are encouraged to do so to participate in the sibling races strictly for fun. This year the Pack Pinewood Derby is to be held on Saturday, March 29th starting at 9:00am.
- The Blue and Gold Banquet on February 16th is a Spirit of Scouting event for all the Pack Scouts. This is the graduation ceremony for the senior Webelos from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and a celebration of the birthday of Scouting. We feel the younger Scouts should be there to give the older Scouts the recognition and respect they deserve.
- The District Hike-a-Thon (also known as the Family Fun Walk) on April 26th, is a 4-mile hike designed to benefit the Scouts for their participation. When the Scouts get sponsors for the hike they earn 75% of the donations they collect in pledges. The remainder goes to Council for the event costs and Camperships. Camperships are money used to help financially challenged Scouts attend resident camp and is open to all. The money they earn is put into an account for their use on any Scouting related materials including summer camp, uniforms and supplies.
- Participating in the Nashua Memorial Day Parade in May and the Nashua Veteran's Day Parade in November is one way we can remember the US Service men and women. Every year we may decorate one of the Chuckwagons and use it as a float and march in the parades or use the Pack and Den flags made by the Scouts - and every year the crowd appreciates the Cub Scouts. This is purely for fun.
- Be sure to check our calendar for more activities!!

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